8:55a - 9:00a
Welcome to MDC
9:00a - 9:50a
Session 1
An In-Depth Look at Programming With Nullable Reference Types in C# 8.0
.NET / C#
Mark Michaelis
Session 1
Accessibility Overview
Accessibility / Gaming / Frontend
Brett Hazen, Abraham Hosch
Session 1
Improving Web Performance
Serverless / Architecture
Robert Boedigheimer
Session 1
People First Leadership
Softskills / Misc
Kate Wardin
10:00a - 10:50a
Session 2
An In-Depth Look C# 8.0
.NET / C#
Mark Michaelis
Session 2
Accessible Design Systems
Accessibility / Gaming / Frontend
Caryn Pagel, Nathan Weber
Session 2
Microservices Architecture - A Practical Guide in the real world
Serverless / Architecture
David Ward
Session 2
Leadership in Fully Remote Teams
Softskills / Misc
Aaron Douglas
11:00a - 11:50a
Session 3
Why Blazor is NOT the new Silverlight
.NET / C#
Matt Milner
Session 3
Real World Apps with React and TypeScript
Accessibility / Gaming / Frontend
Kurt Wiersma
Session 3
Have more FUN by Automating the Lifecycle of Your Apps with Visual Studio App Center
Serverless / Architecture
Tom Soderling
Session 3
An AI with an Agenda: How Our Biases Leak Into Machine Learning
Softskills / Misc
Arthur Doler
12:00p - 12:15p
Lightning Talks
Don't Panic, A guide to completing coding challenges.
Softskills / Misc
Chelsey McKinney
Lightning Talks
Journal Your Way to Career Success
Softskills / Misc
Robert Boedigheimer
12:15p - 1:00p
1:00p - 1:50p
Session 4
Using Async - Await in C# as Designed
.NET / C#
Keith Voels
Session 4
Build Your First Game in JavaScript
Accessibility / Gaming / Frontend
Erik Onarheim
Session 4
Modernize my Compute: Compute Options in Azure
Serverless / Architecture
Mike Benkovich
Session 4
Burning Out and How to Deal with It
Softskills / Misc
Gary Keeler
2:00p - 2:50p
Session 5
Practical Refactoring in C#
.NET / C#
Patrick Szalapski
Session 5
Using Storybook to Build a Better... Game Engine?
Accessibility / Gaming / Frontend
Kamran Ayub
Session 5
Infinite Scale with Azure Durable Functions
Serverless / Architecture
Taylor Olson
Session 5
Mindful Development
Softskills / Misc
Christopher Crowhurst
3:00p - 3:50p
Session 6
About Machine Learning – Using Deep Learning
.NET / C#
Mark Kalal
Session 6
WATCH, LISTEN, LEARN: How to Setup and Run a User Study
Accessibility / Gaming / Frontend
Kenneth Krutsch, Emma Aversa, Rachelle Abernathy
Session 6
Options for Migrating On-Premise Web Apps to Azure
Serverless / Architecture
Scott Snyder
Session 6
Owning Your Experience: Talking about Mental Health In the Workplace
Softskills / Misc
Arthur Doler
4:00p - 4:50p
Session 7
ML.NET In Action
.NET / C#
Elsa Vezino
Session 7
Rocking the JAMStack with Gatsby JS
Accessibility / Gaming / Frontend
Joseph White
Session 7
k8s: There and Back Again
Serverless / Architecture
Robert Karlen
Session 7
The Flutter Clock Challenge fail. What I Learned
Softskills / Misc
William Austin